Steampunk'd Forks & Copper Canister BirdHouse Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleAugust 8, 2011Birdhouse Blog, birdhouse, bird house, industrial, mixed media, sugar, container, kitchen, brass, copper, utensils, fork, oil, lamp, light, pedestal, tin, silverplate, steampunk Comments
Reading is for the Birds! Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleAugust 7, 2011Birdhouse Blog, birdhouse, bird house, book, children's, house, tin, toy, reading, literacy, mixed media, storytime, friendly village, alice and jerryComment
White Porcelain Heater Ornate Birdhouse Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleJuly 26, 2011Birdhouse Blog, birdhouse, bird house, heater, porcelain, enamel, silverplate, utensils, industrial, mixed media, tin, license plate, steampunk Comments
Silverplate Svea Stove Trophy Birdhouse Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleJuly 23, 2011Birdhouse Blog, birdhouse, bird house, pedestal, silverplate, oil lamp, lighting, light, coffee, tea, tin, canister, kerosene, mixed media, formal, steampunkComment
Prince Albert Tin Galvanized Gas Can Birdhouse Bird Houses, Birdhouses, Mixed Media, Repurposed, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleJuly 16, 2011Birdhouse Blog, birdhouse, bird house, canister, container, jug, gallon, industrial, mixed media, tin, tobacco, prince albert, clock, face, copper, galvanized, steampunkComment
Upcycled Planters Unite! Yard Accessories, Gardening, Handyman Solutions, Nature, Upcycled ProjectsBrian CarlisleJune 14, 2011Blog, pail, bucket, planter, hanging, key, keys, license plate, numbers, industrial, mixed media, copper, tin, mold, bake, bakingComment