Little Libraries #5: Repurposed Little Library Projects Wrap Up!
Hey friends! After a few hurdles and getting everything in line, Justin & I (GadgetSponge & Muddy Water Resurrections) finished installing our repurposed little library creations! One is in Minden, Louisiana and the other is in Springhill, Louisiana.

We went the extra mile and created a raised platform with a long bench and step up for the Minden location with a lot of extra wood they had laying around from a previous project.

In Springhill, we were able to use some more of that wood to create an awning/roof for that location.

The Minden location is right at the corner of a busy intersection for lots of exposure. And it's also at the corner of "The Farm", which is the home of the annual Spring Arts Festival / ChickenStock produced by Cultural Crossroads.

The Springhill little library is located right next to the recreational building in West Side Park. The area children enjoy playing basketball inside the building along with community activities. This building is also the home of an eager children's reading program that is growing quickly.

"Take A Book - Leave A Book!" The Minden little library was created to resemble the Minden branch of the Wester Parish Library system.

...And the Springhill little library was created to resemble the Springhill branch of the Webster Parish Library system.

Here you see Justin (right) and I (left) at the Minden location wet from the rains and sweat but relieved the journey is complete.