Little Libraries #1: The Beginnings of Two Repurposed Little Library Projects!
Hey folks! I've got big news! GadgetSponge and Justin of Muddy Water Resurrections joined forces to build two repurposed little library creations for the Webster Parish Library system here in Louisiana.
If you don't know, little libraries are structures that are built to place in areas that, for the most part, aren't too close to the area library. Just take a book and leave a book. It's that simple! The books for these structures will be supplied by the Webster Parish Library and will focus mainly on children's books but will also have adult and other books.

The projects required that we create the little libraries using repurposed items. And the creations also had to resemble the actual library that they would be close to to a recognizable degree.

The first one we started on was to resemble the library in Springhill, LA.
It began with cutting out the "bones" of the arch structure that would be on top that would resemble the arched design above the front doors on the actual library...

Now, you can see the arch coming to life.

After the arch was complete, we started on attaching the sideboards that were reclaimed wood. You can also notice here that we took out the dividers on the bottom few cubbies to make larger compartments for the children's books which can range in sizes of small to very large.

We mounted the arch on top and began mounting the reclaimed wood to the sides.
Be sure to stay tuned to future updates very soon. This will be a large series showing you each step in creating this little libraries. Don't miss it!