Domino's GadgetSponge Repurposed Lighted Sign Collective Birdhouse Progress #2
Hey friends! Here's some more progress pics of my Domino's Repurposed Sign Collective Birdhouse. First thing - I know this birdhouse structure isn't up to specific conditions for specific birds. I'm just creating this collective birdhouse for function and to have some neat, repurposed character. It is NOT made to the specific details for Martins, Bluebirds or any other bird. But many birds would definitely have no problems taking up residence just the same. Here we go!.....

It took a while for me to figure out what I wanted to do for an "awning" over the entrance holes for each birdhouse compartment. I had some great used pizza pans and decided to cut one into quarters and them cut each quarter again to fit the pattern I needed.

Above are the final pieces cut down to what I was looking for.

And above you see them mounted now over each hole.

The next thing I wanted to do was reuse another piece of old Domino's signage for some more fun on the front of the structure. I decided to take this interior smaller sign and cut out a bird silhouette to place on the front. Below are a couple more pics of how that came together...