COMPLETED: Domino's GadgetSponge Repurposed Lighted Sign Collective Birdhouse
Hello again Gadget Friends! First of all, thanks for your continued support. Your feedback picks me up when I need a boost.
Here's the completed repurposed community birdhouse I made in association with Domino's Corporate ( I used a couple of used Domino's (Pizza) lighted outdoor signs. I put a lot of custom work into this creation. And also tried to use as much of the Domino's signage I had on hand.

Four's company! I decided to not make this community birdhouse specific to the likings of a certain bird. That way anyone could enjoy it anywhere. The hole measures 1.5" and the interior of the box is about 6 to 7" deep and about 4 to 5" tall and wide. The box frame by itself is 26" so that will give you an idea of the box sizes.

Here you see the interior of the box with the individual compartments. The top of the box can be slid off so that routine maintenance can be done to the boxes.

I cut some used Domino's pizza pans into quarters and then modified the quarters some more to fabricate some pieces to act as awnings over each bird entrance. Vintage brass garden faucets act as perches. I painted them fire red and distressed them. I also added a painted blue arrow at the base of each side to give it more character.