Domino's GadgetSponge Repurposed Lighted Sign Collective Birdhouse Progress #1
Hey folks! I'm in the midst of several projects, but here's one that will be complete first probably. It's the next project in conjunction with Domino's and their campaign. It's about 2/3 complete right now. The rest of the build is adding a fair amount of character to bring it on home....

It started with a sign and two front panels. One was soft vinyl and the other was acrylic. I went the acrylic route to make it sturdier. I first had to gut the interior sign cage and get rid of the spent lighting hardware.

I cut down the acrylic sign to fit the sign frame.

Then I drilled holes and mounted the newly cut down sign. It obviously didn't fit the smaller window but I like the way it turned out. It brings out even more of the repurposed vibe.

Next, I needed to start on the wooden compartments for the interior birdhomes. I had some scrap board laying around so I cut up the uniform pieces.

Boxes are complete. I then did some modifying on the sign interior cage to custom fit the homes. Now they are totally secure.

Here's a top angle of the layout.

The next step was lining up the holes for the exterior entrance.