April Cedar Waxwings & Goldfinches
Just about any time of the day I step out, I most likely can hear the Waxwings with their light teeny whines or the "per-chik-or-ree" of the goldfinches. They remind me of little squeeze toys with their small calls and the Waxwings like a dog whistle from a distance.
Pretty soon they'll be gone but it sure is my favorite time of the year when they are here. We also have our first bluebird pair nesting in one of the birdhouses out back. They started with four eggs but I checked yesterday and their was one sole, newly hatched bluebird. At least one made it. We've had some really cold nights off and on the past couple of weeks. Must have gotten the best of the other three. I'll be sure to get some great pics soon of mama and daddy making constant trips and the new fledgling hopefully taking off for the first time. Got to stock up on the mealworms!
Here's some new pics I hope you'll enjoy.

And here's my favorite of them...