New Projects and GadgetSponge Booth Overhaul
Sorry for the delay in posting stuff. Been busy in the garage working on new stuff. I decided to share some pics of my booths that feature some of the new projects that I've completed recently. Many things in the booth you'll recognize from previous posts!

The Annie Sloan pink three mirror vanity is a new project I just finished. I also installed my ladder shelf creation with wire screen top cover. Some galvanized bucket lights sit on top. The other half of the ladder is to the right. I created some shelves for it with some leftover red distressed wood panels I had and used the old wood panels that I cut to fit from Singer sewing machines. Don't worry Singer sewing machine fans -- all the sewing machines I dismantle are too far gone as they were. The two side tables to the left are new to GadgetSponge online viewers. I created them a while back with some Annie Sloan paint. They were a hideously finished Henredon tables with slide out drawers. Very elegant!

I put my "lighted furniture" pieces side by side.

The big blue table in the middle, the pink nighstand and the green nightstand (on the floor) are all just completed projects. The big blue table is 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide! It's got two different layers of ASCP and lots of lacquer on top. The pink nightstand was handmade and I put a few coats of pink ASCP on it and then lots of AS wax and dark wax. The green nightstand at the bottom got a "speedy" overhaul with some paint stripes and yardsticks. Under the big blue table, there's a former end table I converted into a pet bed with lots of distressed paint.

Has anyone seen any water skis around here??? How do you like the pair I slapped together for this fun organizer with a light! It features a vintage red Tiger Chewing Tobacco tin and two vintage metal gym locker baskets.