Upcycled Chest of Drawers with 1965 Louisiana Map
This work in progress was finally finished recently. It started by needed quite a bit of work (you'd think by now I would take "before" pictures) when I first got my hands on it. Flaky veneer that had to be chiseled off and lots of old chippy paint to take off.

I kept some of the old yellow paint intact so that it would peek back through the new paint once I sanded and distressed certain areas down.

My friend, Brian, gave me a 1965 Louisiana map that was a school fixture. It was very brittle and wanted to roll back up at every available opportunity.

I featured the Shreveport to Minden area in the first top left drawer. The Natchitoches area is on the right. The center panel features mid-Louisiana across three drawers with Baton Route toward the lower left.