Series of 8: Repurposed / Upcycled Vintage Wooden Water Ski Beer & Soda Bottle Opening Stations
Hey junk builders, collectors, admirers and more! I hope you've had a decent week. Just before the weekend, I've finally been able to work up and launch my series of eight different vintage, wooden water ski beer and/or soda bottle opener stations. You can sit them on your counter or mount them to a wall indoors or outdoors.
The metal, repurposed basket at the bottom of each station is removable to "take out the trash"! "Pop the top" with the top mounted metal opener or use the chrome handheld one that is housed on a chain in the metal basket holder.
So, here we go with the launch. If you like one, you'd better grab it. You know me, once I make them -- that's it. No more. I like to keep things fresh. I'm shocked I made eight of these......