Roller Skate Robot Keepsake Truck

I've had some old skates laying around for a while and I've been thinking about what to do with them.  The lightbulb went off today...

It was really fun putting this one together.  An old cake/candy box tin was used for the back and I added the pull knob on top to be able to use it to store things in it.  A copper plate kitchen canister forms the cab of the truck with some help from some old industrial light indicators, napking ring, chrome siding from a typewriter, and some fins from an old vegetable steamer.  I modified and cut up some brass napkin rings for the fender/flaps over the rear tires.  Some more old indicator lights are on the back.  Since I have a lot more old skates, you can expect more things to "roll out".

This great birdhouse is ready to go and can be yours in my Etsy Shop (HERE).