The Blue Jay

The Blue Jay guys and gals in my yard pretty much think they rule the roost.  The fly in and plop right down whereever they want to knowing that any other bird will move.  In the photo below I combined several photos I had of Blue Jays hanging on to a feeder pole just before either jumping to a suet feeder or to one of the cups on the copper tree for peanuts. 

Most folks that sit out back with me say the same thing, "Man, they are big!"  I guess we never take time to admire the beauty of these birds and their size compared to others.  I've seen a male Blue Jay pass food from beak to beak to the female.  They often come down in pairs.  It seems like good teamwork to raise the next generation.  And I know for sure that a Blue Jay can haul away 7 individual peanuts at one time.  And right back for more.