Upcycled Black Pulpit Bookshelf with Light Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Furniture, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleSeptember 23, 2014Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, church, pulpit, podium, speaker, leader, storage, religious, light, lamp, steampunkComment
Upcycled Nighstand with Mirror & Light! Furniture, Lighting Fixtures, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleAugust 25, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, nightstand, night stand, light, lamp, mirror, industrial, storage, steampunkComment
30 Very Creative DIY Lamps over on HomeTalk.com! Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Lamps, Lighting Fixtures, Media Features, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleJuly 22, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, light, lampComment
Overhauled Large Stadium Light Furniture, Handyman Solutions, Lamps, Lighting Fixtures, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleJuly 7, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, light, lamp, stadium, industrialComment
Repurposed Children's Book Toy Lamp Furniture, Lamps, Lighting Fixtures, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Upcycled Projects, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleJune 16, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, light, lamp, children's, book, books, steampunkComment
Repurposed Vintage Sears Electric Fence Charger Box Lamp Furniture, Lamps, Lighting Fixtures, Mixed Media, Repurposed Projects, Upcycled Furniture, Repurposed, UpcycledBrian CarlisleApril 23, 2014Recycing, Repurposed Blog, Repurposing Blog, Upcycling Blog, Upcyled Blog, light, lamp, fence, charger, foot, fins, industrial, flashlight, steampunkComment